So… Why Wix?
In many ways, WIX represents a unique development in the history of the World Wide Web. In its ability to allow richly styled sites. The web got to the point of desperately needing something better, something that will make building websites easy and fun – here comes WIX to the rescue and makes the web a better place for both web builders and web surfers.
Back in the dimly remembered early years of the Web (1990 -1993), HTML was a fairly lean little language. It was almost entirely composed of structural elements that were useful for describing things like paragraphs, hyperlinks, lists, and headings. It had nothing even remotely approaching tables, frames, or the complex markup we assume is a necessary part of creating web pages. The general idea was that HTML would be a structural markup language, used to describe the various parts of a document. There was very little said about how these parts should be displayed. The language wasn’t concerned with appearance. It was just a clean little markup scheme.
Suddenly Web sites began to spring up everywhere. There were personal journals, university sites, corporate sites, and more. As number of sites increased, so did the ability to build your one site became more complicated. But today we are fortunate to have WIX! it makes web site building accessible to every one