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Web designers

The work of Web designers will sometimes to thousands of people a day. Web designer creating the pages, the structure, and the graphics of the web sites and play a key role in developing websites. The mission of Web designers is to create the look and feel (look and feel) of the sites by selecting a graphic design style, combined pictures and other visual elements, and adapting them to the pages of the Web site itself. Web designers also design and develop the site navigation tools. Web designers can decide what content included in the web page, where things will be located, and how is site navigation. This role requires creating computer graphics, graphic design, and knowledge of computers and Internet technologies.
Depending on the size of the project, web design can often also include collaboration between software engineers graphic designers. Sometimes this role can be fairly simple and include only a simple registration of a building site or construction of a Web page using photo editing software and HTML editor and focusing on Huizaoli only when the software that runs the site is written separately by programmers. In other cases, graphic designers are also required to create the graphic design of the site and write the code or parts of it, most of the jobs of the Web site administrator (Webmaster).

Web developer

Web developer is a programmer or software engineer whose work in developing network applications in the World Wide Web.
Web applications using the HTTP communication protocol called when the application itself may run on the web server, the browser, or a combination of both.
Besides programming, key chains can also engage in other issues such as – Web Design, Information Architecture (Information architecture), design and evaluation of user interface (Usability Engineering), and web content management systems (Web content management system).
Web developers often specialize in developing front-end or back-end. Front-end development including work on the user interface and uses a variety of technologies, including ECMAScript (also known as JavaScript). Back-end development, also known parties to the server “often includes an interface to a database.

This site has no compatibility between the existing format and the format shown. Removable content database files or text files, and are created using code while browsing the site, so they can show differently each and every surfer surfing. You can make them snips, manipulation and special match by browsing. This site uses the information changes occasionally. This site is called names “web app” and the Website is data-oriented “because it displays variable information tailored to particular user. This site is more difficult planning and programming from static and requires greater expertise. An example of such sites are forums, news sites, search sites and content sites like Wikipedia. Dynamic website, usually being developed content management system that lets you manage your content and website links easily.

Web sites

Web sites are built using several types of software:
Text editors such as Notepad software Windows operating system, including codes are recorded manually.
Text editors / HTML purposes: construction site content yet done by writing code, but the software offers different options that make it easy to write code (different colors different parts of the syntax, finding and replacing, ready for posting code snippets, preview, etc.).
WYSIWYG editors such as Dreamweaver software of Adobe (formerly Macromedia) or Frontfiig’ Microsoft. These programs also allow management of the Web site as a whole – Track the flow between pages, abstract update multiple pages, uploading site development computers to the primary server, and so on.
Content managers and web generators. Sites generators are software geared specifically to manage the content of a website. Among the most famous Joomla, Drupal and PHP-Fusion.
There is often a distinction between building sites he is responsible for building complex that includes graphic design and code generation, and web designer who is responsible only to the graphic design of the site, and the webmaster responsible for the ongoing operation of the finished product.